Saturday, March 12, 2005

The controversy surrounding Lawrence Summers..

Was reading an article in Frontline about the huge fiasco caused by certain "sexist" comments made by the President of Harvard University, Lawrence Summers. I wonder what prompts men of such stature to pass comments on subjects like these, which in my honest opinion should not bother him at all. Even if there is a genetic difference which results in men being more capable in certain areas in life and vice versa, I am not sure whether that can be generalized in the first place. More importantly, I think there are better things that the President of Harvard should be engaging himself with rather than some vague study involving differences between the sexes.

There is another article in the same edition where there is report on the situation in India for women when it comes to education. It is really sad to see the sad plight of so many women in our country. I would like to believe that this situation is improving, however I think we can't escape from reality. Most of the women, even in educated families have to bow to the wishes of their parents/husbands/in-laws. Wonder when our society will come to the stage where ALL the women would be allowed to choose their own career/path in life.. Until that day comes, all we can do is hope to see that day!


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